Style. Beauty. Lifestyle

Plan for 2016

Plan for 2016

Though it’s already February, I tried to blog last month but just couldn’t find the time, but I promised myself not to give any excuses. I want to focus on blogging and expanding to vlogging as well, I want to focus more on creating contents this year. It is something I enjoy doing, though I still have my daytime work, which is also something I enjoy doing, just that it occupied more of time than I want it to.

Anyway, I want to have this post up from the beginning of January but didn’t come around to upload it so here it is!

It’s 2016!! I believe this year is going to be a good year because I determined to make it happen! I want to be able to let go of all the negativity, stay happy and positive regardless of the situation.

One of the big thing that I want to achieve this year is living a healthier lifestyle, over the past year, I have lost myself in work and I’ve also allowed stress to get to me, resulting me neglecting my body and health. So my main goals for 2016 are all revolving around improving my health and getting fit. I believe that staying healthy and staying fit will boost my mood and gives me more energy to focus on works. Another thing that I think will definitely help me to achieve these goals is stay organised.


Adopt a sleeping habit 
Wake up at 6am; Sleep by 11pm

Exercise regularly
I found blogilates 2 years ago and I enjoyed doing her monthly workout calendar but final year got in a way, and I stopped. I wanted to get back to exercise but I tried cardio and yoga but nothing quite motivate me like Cassey Ho does. She is so great, really keep my motivation level up where I need it to be.

Meditate 10 minutes a day
I found an meditation app, Headspace, about a year ago and I had committed to it ever since. Except for the last 2 months I didn’t reach for the app on my phone and I started to realise that I need to cause it kept my head clear and calm to complete tasks throughout the day before. I don’t know why I stopped.

Read at least 1 hour a day
Reading is something I do now and then, but I want to do more reading this year.

Spend more time with family and friends
Spending time with the people you love and care for is so important, though it is something that I already do now but I just want to make it my goal to remind myself that regardless of how busy I am, I will never forget to treasure the time I have with them.

And in order to keep me in check and hopefully accomplish all my goals is stay organise! I have always been organised but I’ve lost the will to do so after I graduated university, I’m not quite sure why. I think after graduation, my body and mind just decided to let go of everything. But I want that to change! So I got the Erin Condren planner to help me stay focus on my goals and things I want to achieve this year. I believe that setting personal deadlines will give me a better chance at getting the job done.

What are your personal goals? And remember, it is never too late to set your goals.

I will be back with another post tomorrow!





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